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About Us

About Scheuneman

Scheuneman offers affordable luxury without sacrificing quality or using slave labor. We’re here to disrupt the luxury fashion industry with pieces and practices that stand out from the crowd and stand up for human rights.

Our Values

At Scheuneman, we believe in affordable luxury, good over greed, and that you should never apologize for standing up for what you believe in.

Two Brothers

Committed to creating clothing without compromise.


The way you dress can set the potential for your entire day. At Scheuneman – the potential is always unlimited. We’re building this business without a ceiling. I spend my days problem-solving, collaborating on designs, and working to ensure that everything we produce is the best quality possible.


Growing up as a quiet kid, my favorite thing to do was dress loud. The best outfits were the ones that got me into trouble. At Scheuneman, I channel this energy into all of our designs, creating clothing that knows no bounds. Find your fit – but don’t you dare try to fit in.